Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

16. Sorrow

Today's entry was very very nearly a great big self pity party, but thankfully you are spared from my selfish photo with the accompanying rant because Boo put up a magnificent sorrowful protest when I picked him up from school. This disappearance in to the bushes was an outward demonstration of the unfairness of having to walk home from school rather than be carried. I would feel guilty about sharing such an image, but he cried out from the bushes "Take a photo to show everyone you made me walk when I was really tired". I just asked him again if it was ok to share it and he said "yes - I want people to know how tired I was feeling". I also want to add that by the time he left his leafy cave, he was in fits of giggles.

I may have to edit this post to indulge myself in the big self-pity rant I had planned after all. It involves dentists. We'll see how therapeutic the glass of wine is first!

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