This day

By snapper

Distant light

Was in Rothesay on the Island of Bute at a friends wedding. We got there mid afternoon so decided to take a run round the island. My father's people hailed from Bute around an area called Kilchatan Bay, we made it to this wee ruin up on a hill called St Blanes named after the saint that was born on Bute. The light was fantastic and the place had an etheral spiritual feeling about it.
My husband kept thinking about one of his sisters that died at just a few weeks old and I kept thinking about my father who had died last May. It left us both with a very strange but peaceful feeling.
That evening we had a splendid meal and went off to the wedding dance which had a fantastic ceilidh band called simply the Bute Ceilidh band and boy were they fast!
Wandered back to the hotel after oneish , a great end to a v ery perfect day

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