
By CharChar

Sun, Sea and Sangria....

Is all you need in life!!!

First full day today so we made the most of it by doing absolutely nothing but sitting on a sun lounger reading a book, listening to music and dipping in and out the pool! It's a hard life!

After a day by the pool we got ourselves a jug of sangria and sat on the balcony for a few hours chilling, before getting ready for a night out in Tenerife!

The night started out by stepping out a taxi and getting pounced on by a rep from a bar convincing us to go in which we did, after a few drinks in there we moved on to Linekers Bar where we were very happy because they fed the pigeons! Basically it's a dance which they do in Linkekers bars! After that we went to another bar before spotting some guys from the hotel one in a very bad way! We were talking to them on the street and got approached by the street sellers and ended up with today's picture flashing Minnie ears! We decided to get a taxi back to the hotel with them and it was a very interesting journey the taxi had to stop twice for the guy to throw up! We helped get him to his room where he caused some more destruction so we left him in the capable hands of his friends who decided they had to stay up all night to keep an eye on him! Someone will be feeling very rough in the morning!! Great first night out in Tenerife!

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