Year 2, Day 139 - Good morning!

I'm getting all confused - yesterday's film challenge was Duck Soup, not Chinatown. I've already done Chinatown! I was going to do something with a mirror to replicate the 'mirror scene' in the film but my trusty assistant isn't back until tonight so I might do that another day...

Today's film is Annie Hall - another one I haven't seen and know nothing about. I couldn't get any inspiration from the Internet either! Maybe I'll just call this ladybug Annie Hall...

I was up early this morning - woke up and couldn't get back to sleep - so headed out to the North Third. Last time I was up there was when I got the new head for the monopod and thought I had broken it! There is a path alongside a stream and it's just teeming with life. I'm going to have to nip down one time without the dog because he always wants to get in on the action!!!

So here's a ladybug from this morning.

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