
By foxfollower

Quaker Meeting House, Chesham

Area Meeting this afternoon was at Chesham Meeting House. I was very interested to see it, as I haven't been there before, although I lived and worked in Chesham for several years (but a long time before I became a Quaker).

The building dates back to 1798 and is beautifully plain and simple inside. There is a history of religious dissent in Chesham dating back to the 15th century; in 1532 Thomas Harding was burnt at the stake in the town for being a Lollard and heretic.

The meeting went well and finished in just under two hours, despite quite a long agenda, thanks to good clerking. I was able to speak to my report on the Quaker Life Representative Council meeting in April, and felt it was well received - although one Friend said to me afterwards that she was depressed by how much reading we seemed to be expected to do!

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