
Had nothing particular in mind to upload for my 365th blip. Thought it should at least be something of significance to me, not a Bee blip or a Woodpecker blip, although mind you...there's absolutely nothing wrong with either of those! We spent a couple of hours this morning at the Dog Park, and of course I took my camera along. Tara and Maica, 'now bonded at the hip', were standing together probably trying to agree on what trouble to get into next. I snapped a quick shot. Later, looking at the image, I realized how special it and they are to me!

I appreciate and love my Blip Family. It fills an important need that I have...to connect. I have learned so, so much about photography, people and places I could only imagine before, and...myself. Not only do I practice photographic skills daily but I write on a daily basis too, something I have always wanted to do. I enjoy all of the photos I see on Blip. I wish there were more hours in the day to look at even more!

So here is my 365th Blip. I sincerely hope that you enjoy it as much as I.
And if you would like to see a few other Dog Park photos taken today, then take a look here DOGS.


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