youngies journey

By youngie66

A Bit Of Orange

Well I used my orange filter to take this shot outside my front door this evening as the sun was starting to go down and the seagull was flying past the street lamp it was all quiet at work today with not much to report and ate fish and chips fur ma tea that was aboot it well what more can one say apart from it was a nice day weather wise compared to yesterday afternoon which chucked down with rain and it's back to Leeds again for the next two days I will be speaking with a Yorkshire accent next if I go there any more this week lol not that I mind of course as long as I'm driving my train i'm happy as a pig in s**t well most of the time anyway I decided not to have and Belhaven Best or Abbot Ale out the fridge until I'm in the mood so that was it and then I was really gobsmacked to see Andy Murray was embarassed that the FM of Scotland waved the Scottish flag after he won Wimbledon last year, and also in a TV interview tomorrow morning on Sky News with Eamon Holmes, Gordon Brown is going to be saying he was embarassed as well as saying it made Scotland feel small what a total load of Bullshit I'm sorry but you canny make this crap up if it was me winning Wimbledon I would be Proud to see the Saltire being waved there and also Gordon Brown saying it made Scotland feel small this coming from a guy who when he got interviewed on American TV and was asked where he came from his reply was Northern Britain he can't even say he's Scottish and if Andy Murry felt embarassed what did he feel about half the crowd in the court wearing some sort of Scottish flag you know it's starting to really p**s me off about what crap is being put on the news day in and day out leading up to this referendum I think many folks are totally starting to get frustrated with Main Stream Media anyway I'm off to bed before I give myself heartburn rant over apart from movie for the day which is " The Invention Of Lying 2009 " Night Night See Ya

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