Iv done it!

Iv put it on ebay!!!

Mr W has never liked this oven. He's threatened to get rid of it for ages. It scares him!!! But as he never cooks he dare not get rid of it incase I made him cook on a 'proper' oven!!!

But today I gave in and put it on ebay!!! It needs a service, it keeps going out, it doesn't have a cooker hood so British Gas condemn it and costs a small fortune to run but I'm sure it will make someone happy!!!

Just wondering what time the Roast Lamb will he ready!!!!

Thought I'd document the day I listed this oven as it will probably still he here this time next year! !!!

Still hoping Mr W is going to take me down to Brighton on the bike for a sunset blip with the West Pier before its taken down. But I think the oven is in charge today!!!!

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