Twmbarlwm too
"Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost"
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
Yes, I'm still reading Dan Browns "Inferno" - and enjoying the parallels with lifes "treasure hunt". I rather liked the quote [although truncated in the book] because it seemed to speak to me of a time before Meditation, when the path had been lost. I'm reminded of the Quaker retreat about this time last year when I took part in a poetry workshop and was inspired to write about "invisible pathways". This became the title of the booklet produced afterwards, which included our poetry and artwork from the afternoon painting workshop.
After bacon butty got stuck into decorating again. Day surprisingly bright, although a bit showery to start after the overnight thunderstorms. Brilliant light and clouds for photography but I resist the temptation to get on with the painting.
Early afternoon take a break, have a meditation to settle the day and then a late lunch and settle down for an hour reading. Before I know it the time is gone 4pm - still have to get my photo for the day and the clouds are looking good so I head out.
Call to Dad on the way back home to spend a little time with him; next thing I know the mobile is letting me know I have a message - K says dinner is ready....
Nothing I can see of interest on TV so continue reading into the evening. K2 has been enjoying a trip to Oxford, message said to look out for her in the forthcoming episodes of Lewis!
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