Rodents rule

By squirk

One for Dad

Guitar talk - I can't do it, but the guy I saw tonight at the Royal Festival Hall certainly can. Gordon Giltrap had about six guitars around him - I can remember a baritone one, an electric one with many knobs and sounds, a ukelele type one and this 12-string (the one with the funny knobs is beside it). The 12-string is a guitar specially made for Giltrap and he said, 'There's a reason why the frets are all spaced differently, but I'm still waiting to know the reason.' Or something like that. He said some technical stuff about it that was lost on me, and then played some songs that he wrote in the 60s. He said the 12-string was essentially a 60s guitar.

The support came from an amazing musician called Virginia Luque. She played with such a passion and created sounds that I did not think you could make on a guitar. She's one extremely talented lady.

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