Thistle Down

By Ethel

To Father

Within a mist of tears,
Somewhere beyond my view.
I think of firm, strong roots,
From which I grew.

I bow my head in reverence,
On this...a special day.
Whether I am almost grown,
Or just a child at play.

To give him highest honors,
Makes my heart unwind.
And brings those tender thoughts,
From the chambers of my mind.

Could I but do thee justice,
For hardships on thee pinned.
To vision used, and working hands,
With grey hair, slightly thinned.

Could I but emphasize thy ways,
How hungry mouths...had food.
And from your scanty store-house,
You gave to all your brood.

Let banners fly, and bands proclaim,
With prayer on bended knee.
May your reward...O father mine,
Be gratitude...from me.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

To Kim - Happy Father's Day! You are the Best.

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