Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Not For The Innocent

Evening all

How many steps does it take from the simple innocence of a birthday card to the discovery of historic storage of deadly nerve gas in your local area and the risk of becoming an Enemy of the state?

let's see...

1.Get birthday card with reference to 'cheese' on it .
2. Remember a local geocache you haven't found that is cheese related
3.Discover geocache co-ordinates appear to be in a fenced off oil storage area.
4. Research area and find it is an M.O.D pipeline site, dormant but still fully functional
5.Pipeline was initially constructed to service local bomb storage facility.
6. More research and documented evidence show bombs stored near local reservoir outdoors
7. Last bit of research shows bombs in question store ZYKLON B, the chemical nerve gas made infamous by it's use in the concentration camps........

Apparently this is all public knowledge and took me about 4 hours of sensible research to uncover.

So it appears to be seven steps from good to bad, and a late night knock on the door from a man in a macintosh and a trip in an unmarked car may be in the offing...

night all


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