
Do you look for stuff in the clouds? What do you see?

I've been up since about 8am and I've actually been quite productive. I foresee a huge lack of time for housework in the next month or so, what with Barney coming home and Glastonbury so I figured I'd sort the shit tip that is my flat out. How many pairs of socks does one person need? Don't answer that. I could probably clothe an army of feet. So I cleared out my drawers and made some space for boy pants.

I managed to revive my new plant. It's a peace lily. If it makes it longer than a week after one near escape already I'll be doing well. I'm a bit shit at plants. He's perked up a bit. I'm quite impressed with my green fingers. I probably shouldn't speak too soon though.

I started putting together a box for Glastonbury a couple of weeks ago and I booked us into a nice posh campsite in Bath for the night before so that we can be clean and prepare ourselves for a week of filth. I'm making a mental note to buy a job lot of baby wipes... apparently that's the Glastonbury way! *shudders*

At least we'll have enough water and a sink to have a wash. I'm not sure I'm capable of being a complete tramp for very long! So with no electric hook up for five days, it'll be interesting to see how we manage on the gas/battery. I should probably make a mental note to buy an air freshener too!

Now I think I'll stop with the clearout and take myself to bed. There's still lots to do because I can't bear looking at the stuff lying around simply cause it doesn't have a home yet. By the end of tomorrow, everything shall have a place and everything will be in it's place. I'll have written an advert for my car and sorted through the Morocco photos! Lazy slacker that I am!

Happy weekend!

Oh... and the garage have put me off until Thursday... those warm seats will be worth the wait I'm sure! Need to juggle my afternoon off that's booked for Wednesday and see if I can swap it till Thursday. Same number of sleeps as yesterday then! *tuts* :o)

EDIT: I've just emailed the organisers to ask about the stuff in the van. We're not allowed glass bottles, for obvious reasons, but I want to know if they're going to confiscate my cafetiere!! As I'm writing the email I'm already thinking that I just sound like a posh wanker worrying about my coffee!! Hahaha!

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