The Sacred Talisman

This is a continuation of a short story that began here if you are interested.

"Think my young friend, before you answer my questions," Joetre said in answer. "All the answers have been laid before you here in this place. Answer with your heart."

As Joetre talked, the pictures on the wall seemed to take form behind him.. Scrobe saw himself warming his hands by the fire. He saw himself fighting the storm in the tower and he saw himself happily gleaming in the glow of the gold. He started to remember his journey..

Joetre leaned forward and spoke softly.

"Answer these questions," he said.

"What is the warmest place?"
"What is the thing that is the most precious?"
"What is the most powerful thing?"

Scrobe looked at the pictures on the wall. The warm fire, the precious gold and the powerful storm. And thought about them.. Then, as Joetre had said, he thought with his heart.

He slowly and deliberately replied,

"I can see the pictures. The warm fire. I remember my hands and how cold they felt. I can see the gold and how precious it was to feel it in my hands. And I can see the powerful storm and I remember how hard it was to fight against that storm to continue my journey. But..." He stopped for a moment and remembered looking through the window of the house at the people eating their meal.. He remembered the feeling inside the house and his heart caught fire.

"The warmest place is a home" he said. "Inside, you don't need a fire.. You heart is light and easy"

"The most precious thing is a friend. No gold can replace the smile you get when you meet a friend"

"The most powerful thing... is LOVE. He remembered the tender way Joetre regarded his wife."

As he said the words... the vicious creature slowly lay down. It closed its eyes and slept.

"Well done my young friend," said Joetre. "you have learned.. You may go back."

A grateful Scrobe thanked the old, wise man and walked towards door to the sacred talisman. He opened the doors and saw a small statue with a remarkable emblem. He reached out to touch it to take himself back.

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