Oh deer, oh deer...
Baxter is a good guard dog, In fact, a bit too hyper-sensitive as he hears and barks at cars that are way up the drive. He is also very aware of when there are deer or foxes in the paddock behind us and he will whimper to be let out. Very useful for me, as he spots the photo opportunities well before I am aware of them. However, it does meant photographing from inside the house as once he gets out he will be up on the deck barking at them and they disappear very rapidly. So the long lens set up inevitably has to be employed. Mind you the grass in the paddock is now so high that these photo opportunities are fast disappearing, as it is the best I can give you is a head and shoulders of the deer in the paddock. There was a young male and female there this morning but they never got close enough together to get a reasonable shot of both of them so here’s a shot of the female looking quite alert and ready to disappear. They visit us quite regularly now so I will have to think up some pet names for them.
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