The view from my sofa...

A little lie in was the order of the day before the overdue washing, cleaning and supermarket chores got tackled with gusto. I waded through the snow to put my rubbish and recycling out and then kicked back with my book for an hour on the sofa having had a very small but very necessary blast of fresh air and blizzard conditions.

Supper was 'good old chilli con carne' - I followed Jamie's recipe rather than the one I have inherited/copied from mum's way of doing it and found it strange to put the meat in last. Just meant that I couldn't do the tea-spoon test until that had cooked through but it turned out well, served with cous-cous (for a change) and the prescribed handful of coriander leaves. The only accompaniment missing was the glass of red! (Day 9 into the alcohol-free month...)

So this was my position for a few hours in the evening, as I watched episodes 5-7 of the second series of The Wire. I'm hooked and it's impossible to watch just one episode.

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