Miserable weather.

This morning the Lady Human was up early, baking scones for the RNLI. They are doing the teas at the open garden weekend in Dirleton. The Man Human didn't hang about either. He was off to a sheep meeting down South. The smell of scones baking in the house was awesome. We were a bit later in going for the morning walk but it was beautiful, the sun was shining and all the birds were singing. Tikka and I stayed at home while the Lady Human went off fundraising. When the back up Human got up from nightshift she came over, gave us our tea and then walked us. Although I was pretty disappointed that it was now raining and miserable.. Tikka was really funny as she found something in the grass and took it to the back up to show her. Turns out it was a gravy bone and after it was checked she got given it back and only then did she eat it. Such restraint for a Labrador! I wasn't the only one disappointed as Sweepie is regretting getting such a drastic haircut as every drop now goes to the skin. When the Lady Human came home we had her tea made for her as she has had a very busy day. We are now all relaxing in the conservatory listening to the rain..

The blip is of me and Tikka on our wet walk. Luv Ginnie Xx.

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