
By LornaMcHardy

The Welcoming

Well, that was a resounding success!

Had some great volunteers to help, about 90 people came today, the weather right up to the last two hours was fantastic, and nothing but nice comments all round.
And even when it was pouring down in buckets towards the end, we still got a few weather -resistant visitors... the last group - delightful people - had already visited six other gardens!

Puffin of course was in her element... she just likes people, that cat, and she spent the entire day keeping those at the gate company... although I am less sure about the degree to which the addition of a cat to a box of tickets and leaflets and booklets is, in fact, helpful! I'm glad she did it though because that's the only photo I had time to take all day. I am now exhausted, and must eat something - grabbed a slice of cake in passing but that's all I managed.

The forecast for tomorrow is light showers... so maybe we'll get another 90 people or so! Off to get some food, a shower, and then crash for the evening. Good night...

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