a day in my life....

By harryjoy

Ain't no bed of roses....

I was up early this morning and decided I would investigate photo editing software in an attempt to improve the pics I take. Up to now everything I've blipped has been done on my phone and whilst, for the most part, I am happy with the results it is rather limiting. I have a hankering to be able produce a dramatic landscape pic.... so that's what I am aiming for and hopefully, in time, I'll get there. To this end, I've just acquired a version of Lightroom, as recommended by davidd. It certainly looks like it will help me achieve what I want but I can see it's going to take a while....

For now though, its a bunch of flowers slightly improved with the help of some free software I found on t'internet.

Other news today is our new dishwasher has been delivered, installed and is now busily washing our dishes - Hurrah!!

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