...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Attack of the Giant Cat

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
-Dr. Seuss

Can you keep up.....buckle up....

The shot that I shot with light that was bright, got stuck in the camera, and I am uptight. The ones of the cats came out on the screen, the ones from the night now make me scream. I don't know what happened, I tried and tried, from the USB cord I tried to upload, explode...upload..but just the CAT, just the cat, just cat did appear...not the cool night shot, they are stuck I fear. Bound in the camera, but how, but how, they are stuck in the camera, I am having a cow. My husband, so kind, helped me out in the yard, with the light that was bright in the yard at night. But I can not get them, they are trapped and now, I am stuck with the cat, I am stuck, but HOW? Frustrated I am, I am that I am, leaving behind the night in my cam. I must not fret, I must take strong, but this stupid dilemma has got me all wrong. I must let it go, for tomorrow they say...will be much better, a more better day.

In hopes of a bright tomorrow, for you too!!

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