
What in the blazes did I think I would ever need a subscription to Outdoor Photographer for, living in this frozen hell hole?

There, was that grumpy? I do hope so. I don't want people to think I can't be grumpy.

The weather experts* are saying that we are due for a warm-up. Apparently it's going to be near freezing by the beginning of next week instead of the nostril-cracking and snot-pouring, eyelid-sticking, scalp-burning double digits below freezing we've been having.

So looking forward to it. Must start reading these. Or re-reading, to be accurate. This stack dates back to 2004, I'm recycling them after doing a quick rescan of the contents.

*Oxymoron. def. - noun, plural oxymora or oxymorons
a moron that studies oxy, as in oxygen or air, also known as a meteorologist or the weather girl.

A year ago was my 100th blip. I was so excited...spent a long time punching teeny people out of colored paper and glueing them to threads and tying them to pegs in rows so it looks like they're all standing up, holding hands and singing at a peace rally. Even added shading so the number 100 can be seen in the black and white thumbnail. Good grief.

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