
By OCDman

Stop and smell the ??.

Chore day today touching up scuff marks on walls and the one job I dread the most bathroom edge sealing. Not a problem removing the old sealant or placing the masking tape where I want the sealant to go but then the sealant gun takes off on a mind of its own spreading sealant all over the place even when the pressure is taken of the plunger on the gun.

Wet finger time I thought as it says so on the tube and then instead of the sealant being over the joint it is all over me. Several hours later and the five minute job is done.No wonder my dearest decided to leg it to Gleneagles with a million brownies rather than stay at home with one huffy husband.

Then decided to clear my mind pottering in the garden and noticed for the first time how lovely and delicate this ???????. is. Transplanted from my Mother in Law's garden many moons ago this year it has taken off and looks stunning. I must stop walking around with my eyes wide shut.

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