
By elfin


So we made it to the wedding and had a lovely time. The vicar was mad as a box of frogs and the organist was terrible causing lots of giggles during the hymn 'singing' but it was lovely service. The bride and groom seemed genuinely pleased that we'd made the effort to go and meeting the fella's friends went well (I think!) and wasn't that scary. And the outfit worked. Having planned on only staying for a bit we left shortly after 8pm. Am a little tired but not too bad. Found it weird to be at a wedding and not drink - as did the fella (he didn't have more than a pint just in case the baby made a move!) The bride looked amazing despite only having a baby just over 3 months ago - am fairly sure I won't have my figure back that quickly! But I did get lots of comments on how neat my bump looked which is always good.

Also saw the midwife this morning - the baby is still stubbornly refusing to engage so they weren't able to do a sweep. Will see them again on Monday to see if anything's changed and they've also booked me in for an induction next Saturday. Hopefully the baby will decide to make an appearance without any help and really really hope we don't have to go as far as the hormone drip to get things going but it will be what it will be.

Today's help the baby along tactics: raspberry leaf tablets.

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