Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Food For Thought

Evening all.

I once paid in the region of £300 for half a lamb.....for cooking purposes not Damien Hirst type purposes which was beautifully and skilfully prepared by a trained butcher.

I still have some joints left of half a pig i bought last winter which, while cared for tenderly and fully free range, hand reared whilst alive etc, look like they were butcher post mortem by the expedient method of forcing a hand grenade into it's guts and trying to catch as many bits as possible and shove them into bags.

I paid 80 p for a bag of carrots which needed a bit of a wash, and then were chopped delicately and professionally by myself with a small knifebefore going into a soup....easy.

Which begs the question what am i going to do with the elephant hanging by it's feet in the garage?

night all

Barron Knights

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