
By DavzoBroon

Welcome home smiler

Gavin got home today with Baclofen medicine in a paper bag , the consultant says he has an air block in the Catheter but because the pump is already programmed they can't change it till Wednesday .
So Gavin has to take the Baclofen orally over the weekend then on Monday stop it if his tone stays the same that means the pump is working at 100% again if not then he will have to go in on Wednesday to get it sorted.
It has been such a carry on this week I would just like to thank you all for your support and lovely comments and best wishes it really does make a difference.
The blip tonight is of the man himself in his own bed ready to go off to sleep fingers crossed this will be it and we don't need to go back to hospital we go to Tenerife next Friday hopefully it will be sorted by then.
The good news is Gavin's home and he is happy and that's what counts more than anything .

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