
By lauramary

I am so behind with blipping...

My housemate told me last night that she was worried about me. I said she was half right to worry. But I am a bit confused as I don't think I am actually too bad at the moment. I guess being on lithium has made me very tired and when I am not out doing things, I have wanted to sleep or at least keep myself to myself.

I slept for ages today and cancelled my morning plans to avoid getting up. By the time I had finally woken up, I didn't really have time to go to Tyndale as well as see Amy. So I cancelled Tyndale, feeling a bit bad.

I went downstairs to make some lunch, I thought I was okay but I found it very hard to cope with the worries of my housemate. I said I would get a prescription sorted for her though on my way to Amy's.

I had a little bitter of a melt down as I tried to get ready and didn't feel like I could do anything, the task of getting out seemed overwhelming.

I tried to break it into small steps and went with the flow.

Once at Amy's I was alright and had a good time. I didn't even worry very much that I was enjoying myself.

Other people are so patient with me and my worries. It upsets me that I can be so impatient with other people's. The good news is that I can pray that God will help me be more patient with others' worries.

When I got home this evening, I thought I should probably do some cleaning. I was surprised how well I coped.

It is only now as I lie in bed, tired, that I am feeling quite all over the place. I think I am panicking a bit about getting better. God will provide the grace I need as I need it. I know it in my head but I am still worried. I am going to try to take my mind off it with some light entertainment and then sleep.

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