A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Had it!

Not sure I am totally past it but I have certainly had enough painting for one day.

It has been a glorious day but I haven't seen much of it (Chris has been doing the garden so has probably seen too much). We came down so that we could do some jobs for Grace and John today whilst they are at work. They have only had the house two weeks so there is lots to do.

I started by painting the bannister, all bending and kneeling. It took me all morning and into the afternoon.

A quick break for a late lunch and then started on the built in dresser in the kitchen. I was ok up the ladder painting the shelves but when it came to squatting down to do the cupboard fronts I couldn't get up again! Grace arrived home at this point and insisted she take over.

I shall no doubt be seized up again tomorrow as I was after doing the garden a week or two ago, but we are being treated to a curry tonight so I'm sure I shall make it up the road for that!

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