Homeward bound

That's us flying over Iceland this morning on the way back to Scotland. I also saw the midnight Sun on the way over last night and an awesome sight it was too.I had to go to the bank with a form my son had to sign to get his money transferred from Scotland to Canada. The Canadian bank said he was to fill it in ,sign it and post to his Scottish bank. I offered to bring the completed form with ma and take it to the bank S it would be quicker.
This afternoon I duly went into the bank and what did you think she said!
"How do we know that's HIS Sig" For God's sake I almost wanted to punch her coupons. I said sweetly "you would have had less proof who signed it had we taken the Canadian banks advice and posted it" "oh"says she and then "how do we know you are who YOU say YOU are" Another tooth decaying smile from me with the words "12hours in labour in the Queen bloody Mothers hospital up the road lady" I gave her both our phone numbers and I was about ten minutes along the street when she phoned to ask for his address then she said he would have his money transferred and available NEXT Friday!!!.What is it with these highways bloody robbers who hang onto your money as long as possible AND charge a further twenty quid to move your own cash!. They would put Dick Turpin to shame.Just as well I anticipated that and paid his deposit and a month's rent for him. Going to keep my pennies under the matress from now on
Dogs were glad to see us

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