The EZ Life

By saltnsauce


I went to Norway, and was staying on the farm with erik and we were going to go for a walk when his dad asked us to check on a one day old calf. we walked through the field of cows and they were suddenly very interested in our presence. we kept going and then they began walking towards us...then running....and then erik turned and realised that my coat was bright red so shouted at me to take it off, so we start running towards the edge of the field while i take my coat off and throw it at him. we make it to the other side of the electric fence to realise that the calf was this side of the fence too. so we walk over and are about to help it through when it decides to charge at the electric fence, it makes it through and then lies on the ground paralyzed for a minute or so before then limping away to it's mother feeling very sorry for itself. We decided to take a different route back to the farmhouse...

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