
By briocarioca

Le Baiser

What a backdrop for a 'namoro'.... the Botanical Gardens, under the protective arms of the Christ statue.

Had a small recording this afternoon, for the Maracana stadium ( under Fifa control for the duration of the Cup so tours will be suspended – shame). The studio’s near the Botanical Gardens, so I always treat myself to a quick visit there. But first I dropped into a Fair Trade arts and crafts cooperative and spent ages poring over delightful items from all over Brazil. I hadn’t been there in years, but hope to return before too long.

Scottish Country dancing sessions have resumed after the summer – HH loves it, but my knees have decided they don’t. However, I went along to meet a friend and catch up with her news. She’s about to head up the Amazon on a painting trip with a Brazilian artist who won a grant to study at Kew Gardens. She was a disciple of Margaret Mee, an intrepid British lady who made several trips up the Amazon and produced a wonderful record of Brazilian flora. One day, I’d love to make that trip – but first I might have to start painting.

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