Life Savors

By osuzanna

Wet Grapes and a Side Order of Wrath

I decided to do the obvious thing and shoot some grapes for DDW’s At the Movies Challenge: Grapes of Wrath. I’m kinda Fonda grapes and had some in the house so that part was easy. ( sorry, I couldn’t resist :-))

Trying to convey “wrath” was a challenge. After numerous tries with wood background, white bowl, dry grapes etc, I finally decided that wet grapes (representing the flooding) on a black background ( my elusive version of wrath) in mono (B&W film) all seemed appropriate.

Here’s a little GOW trivia: Bruce Springsteen named his eleventh studio album The Ghost of Tom Joad (1995), after the character played by Henry Fonda in this movie.

By the way, this is my 100th blip! I had originally calculated that tomorrow would be my 100th blip and had great plans related to the 70th anniversary of D-Day. I may still do that, but my obsessiveness made it difficult psychologically to skip a day and then back-blip. "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry"…..(oops, that’s a different Steinbeck book/movie).

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