Angie off to the dentist in the morning for the final round of work so I set off with the dogs for a morning walk. On the way email came in from son J sitting on a Cretan beach having his tender lobster coloured tummy professionally nursed by Sarah. So sat by the stream, threw the odd stick and replied, attaching the above photo. Only after sending, did it occur that it could be expensive for him getting a relatively large attachment while abroad. Hope not but worst case he will have to do with one less ouzo tonight.

After lunch set about long overdue strimming session. Always a dilemma whether to cut down all the wild flowers and about to bloom, nettles but many parts really do look neglected. Had now got warm and the wretched Stihl strimmer simply didn't want to start. Same story every year even though I had done everything right storing for the winter. Onkly needs to start once, then no further problems. Spark plug was excellent working at first pull in chainsaw but not even a sign of life in strimmer. Fuel problem I think - will have to ask Dr Bulldog Jürgen if he also does Stihl which I am sure he does being the motor genius he is. Also got a "hi, how are things?" email from him this morning which was great.

Eventually after well over an hour, the wretched thing sprung to life and off I set only to find the official, genuine, expensive Stihl plastic line breaking every 30 seconds and disappearing back in the drum and that at least 10 times. By this time I was getting really worked up and the sun doing it's best to get me overheated. Eventually sorted this and off we set when suddenly I felt totally washed out and had to give up, go indoors and lie down for an hour. Probably just a case of too little fluids. However no further work and will try an early start tomorrow before it gets too hot.

We are due to go in to an "Omega" situation tomorrow. Nothing to do with anything going on at Omaha beach on Friday. Although lows over the UK and Ukraine are the main players, it has nothing at all to do with the depressing politics in these two countries but is a reference to the meteorological conditions - a stable high over central europe and a low in the atlantic and another in the east forming wind currents similar to the a Greek alphabet shaped Omega. The condition was the reason for the spectacularly good weather fro the World Cup in Germany in June/July 2006.

So with +30°C it looks like the pool temperature of a mere 21°C will improve quickly. Won't all be fun, our hay was mowed this evening and depending on wind and sun will probably be baled Saturday, possibly tomoroow evening as we make haylage which isn't quite as dry as hay.

Tomorrow night I am on standby as J & Sarah fly homeward. Sarah spotted on the outbound flight monitor that they were over Memmingen and despite 35,000 feet, darkness and clouds, J couldn't spot us. As it should be clear, will set up my two 1W solar powered garden gnome lamps and wave like mad at any flashing lights I see heading north at 2:00 am. Not too long now before they will return, this time landing.

No real bee work today. It looks like I may well have enticed the swarm in to a hive. Maybe last nights rain and this morning's cold made them reconsider the sense of hanging around on a tree.

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