View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Dundonell Gardens

I would like to thank everybody for the lovely comments on my 1000th blip.
I didn't realize it and hadn't looked for a special photo so I apologize for the crap blip I put on but it was the only photo I had taken yesterday but then that is blip. I doesn't need to be great as long as you take one.
Today was another busy day with The Crofter waking up this morning with his eyes all swollen again. We think it may have been the drops he got yesterday at the opticians. A visit to the doctors and drops to put in them. I then went off with my friend R to Dundonell Gardens. Although it was bucketing of rain the gardens were just great and I took 143 photos in the rain. I liked the colour of this Centaurea 'Black Sprite' .
Late home from the gardens and a quick dinner I went off to the Camera Club but came home early.

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