Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Local faces in local places

I'm trying to capture a few shots for the upcoming exhibition called "Local Faces in Local Places" which will be on for 6 weeks in the Bellingham Heritage Centre this summer. It's a project by the North Tyne Photography Group.

I photographed Liz and Nick working in the village shop this evening, but then outside I was introduced to this trio of Mum, daughter and rescue poodle. The dog was living with an elderly lady with Alzheimer's, who forgot to feed or care for him. He was 6 years old when rescued and has settled happily into his new home. One year on he looks very content.

I've finally been packing and now can't remember what is in the bottom of the suitcase (Yes, Mum, I know that I should have ticked off the list as I went!!)

This time tomorrow I will be in .....................................Luton, but on Saturday I'll be in Romania (where it is very muddy and wet underfoot - just like our Wednesday walk really!)

Have I packed all I need? Very unlikely but it's only for a week.

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