Bee orchid

I know, I know I blipped a Bee orchid last year about this time (June 10th 2013), but when I came across several of these beautiful plants today in the grassland I just couldn't resist blipping it again...especially as I am having a real push on photographing orchids this year.
The Bee orchid Ophrys apifera is relatively easy to find in the area where I live and there is a very good population at the local country park. Despite this however people seem to 'miss' them very easily, and they mostly go completely unnoticed in the tall grasses, which is good as it protects them, but bad as so many people miss their astonishing beauty.
The Bee orchid flowers resemble female bees, and give off pheremones which attract male bees which while trying to mate with the sneeky flowers collect the sticky pollen on them and in turn pollinate the next flowers.
Isn't nature amazing.

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