
By DancingAly

The Big Smoke

The day started well as I hauled myself up before 8am. On a Saturday. Ugh. It's becoming the norm as although I need a lie in, it has to be balanced with losing valuable weekend-enjoyment time!

Usual chores and stuff today, then off to hang out with the family at my mums. Quick stop at Waitrose to tide me over until my online shop next week.

In the evening Ro and I ventured into London. I say ventured- she knows her way about reasonably well, and I am becoming more familiar with west/central London having gone to Soho for the dj-ing. However, this was a little different....

I joined an online group to meet other singles, and they had an event at a bar called Verve. I thought having decided to do something spontaneous and impulsive I would be rewarded with meeting some great people. Sadly this was not the case!

We left at 7:30pm, and when we got the the edge of London we hit major traffic, which we sat in for an hour. When we finally arrived it was nearer to 10pm, and my courage began to fail me. Still, we/I gussied ourselves up, and walked to find the bar. Once inside, we quickly realised it was not a bit we expected! The place was heaving, so we headed downstairs to meet our "host". It was easy to spot the singles table- a group of awkward misfits sitting together watching the rest of the bar party on the dancefloor. We didn't bother to identify ourselves, and instead we scooted upstairs to get a drink. We sat for a bit and tried to make the most of it, but then decided to get the hell outta there!

If I could do hashtag on my Mac, then it would surely be hashtag, epic fail!

We were starving so our next goal was to find somewhere to eat. We were right opposite Five Guys, which I haven't been to yet. We were tempted, but decided to find a pizza place where we could sit. We wandered through Leicester Square, had a quick peek in M & M world, and finally settled on a pizza place on Shaftesbury Avenue. We rushed through our pizza, and then walked to find the Smooy/Snog fro yo shop, in Covent Garden. The desert was great, but too much, so we kind of wasted our money there! We were home by 1:30am, and exhausted!

So bit of a wasted trip really, but not the worst night at all. Not sure where to go from here? Need to meet "professional" singles I think :-)

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