
By PeckhamBelle

Big man's shoes

Empathy means you
Put yourself in others' shoes
To see how they feel.

Tom is coming to the end of his last year at Junior School. Last night's homework was to write something about his Learning Journey; the best ones would be read out at the Leavers' Assembly on the last day of term. He was given a number of words (dispositions) to think about such as Determination, Resilience, Self-Belief and Empathy.

He didn't fancy writing a speech. He worked out that if he wrote a Haiku he only had to write 3 lines. He looked up 'How to write a Haiku' on the internet. 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, 5 in the last.

I think he's said it all. We may have high-fived.

I'm doing a week of iPhone Blips, just seeing if it helps the work/Blip/life balance

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