twinned with trumpton


Day of visits; considering the late-ish night, I was remarkably fresh on Wednesday; slightly showery but cooler which made for good progress.

Had a Leith-ish meander to Craigmillar, then out to my furthest point at Captain's Road.

Managed a flat coming down Captain's Road, but didn't halt progress too much; then wound my way back homeward, again thru Leith. No Cigs in the SE of the city, but scored plenty in the pouring rain that was the last hour. In, soaked, shower then worked on. Though hardly productively!

An evening of Breaking Bad, aftermath of Monday, strained hamstring which brought a wry smile to my face.

This is one of the new University buildings around the hospital at Lil France; something to do with biodiversity, green something or other. There's a bunch of stuff being built there I didn't know about. All very interesting, as I love exploring, nosing about.

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