Beetle flower
No idea what the flower's called really but it is now a beetle flower to me. When I spotted it I pointed it out to CarbBoy and said how it looked like a beetle. With a world weary sigh he said "yes, so the real beetles will mate with it and spread the pollen as well - can we go now?" All those nature shows do sink in then.
In other news, most of the day was spent trying to remotely help Mr B get rid of stuff in Fife. Our movers didn't help by coming a day early and parking their van right up against the front door so no-one could get in. At least I'm not there - I think Mr B's had a heck of a day (though one of the folk picking stuff up emailed this evening to say thank you and that Mr B was the nicest person he'd met in a very long time. So he must have been holding it together pretty well.)
I thought I could relax this evening - quick call to my mam and a glass of wine in front of the telly. Instead I had an hour of talking her (labour voter, former NUT shop steward, from a long line of labour voting miners) out of voting UKIP. Job done. I said if Britain pulls out of Europe I won't be allowed to live in France, and we'll never be able to afford to buy again in the UK, so I'd have to go and live with her. Seemed to put her off the whole thing.*
But I think she is now going to vote Tory because the Home Secretary had a lovely dress on today for the Queens Speech.** Sigh. I had to give up.
* I wonder if I could convert the whole country by threatening to come and live with them?
**the second reason quoted - that she thinks their local MP (Tory) is doing a really good job for the constituency - is obviously the real reason, but Theresa May is funnier.
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