
By Angelique

"IT'S RAINING AGAIN - Supertramp"

What a day, think I've got webbed feet and my voice is beginning to sound more like a duck.

What does one blip in this awful weather? I looked out the window and noticed our statue, Veronique looked all shiny and new. For those of you who have never met her before, I must explain that Mr A takes great pride in washing her down when she gets a bit dusty. He will now be disappointed!!

And my Acer, that I am so fond of looked very dramatic covered in all the rain droplets. Needless to say I got rather damp taking these photos. What one does, and all that.

Now nearly Thursday and the end of the week is in sight. Had another rehearsal today of the two songs we're taking with us on Friday. Only two because that's all any of us are allowed to perform, mainly because there are usually more than 10 artists with varying styles. And this week our faithfull friends are supporting us which makes it into a party.

Just enough time to wish you all a big thankyou for looking in on my offering for the day. Night xxx

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