Double Shot Mummy


Stitches out!

So it has been a week! A whole week, I really cannot believe it.

I feel very alive, and very 'normal'. I am still here to see my kids grow up and I still feel like myself. My fears were not realised :-) Today the stitches came out and today it is time to get on with things. I dropped off a card for the surgeon, Mr Samandouras and for the anaesthetist, Dr Hirsch. They are more than fantastic surgeons....

Stu and I met up with a wonderful Dubai friend. In fact, she was my first friend in Dubai. We actually met before moving to Dubai.... we both have twins.... Instant bond!

So over fantastic Monmouth coffee at Fork Deli in Bloomsbury, the conversation just flowed. It was so fantastic to see you Lottie. Look forward to next time.

Today is my dad's birthday. I have been trying to get hold of him all day. It has been a bit of a tough week as a wonderful Aunty of ours died and he has been at the funeral today.

This afternoon I did some portraits of Colin and Di. We are going to miss them when we leave. They really are such wonderful people.... they are full of stories and are very interesting. Colin himself is into photography. He showed me how to use an old light meter of his.... I've always wondered how!

Tonight we met up with Ruth for dinner. We wanted to say goodbye as apart from having a wacky sense of humour, her and her husband Simon sat there for two days following my surgery. They are those kind of people.

London has been too good to us. I feel like although we wanted to leave to go to Dubai, we have made peace again.

Early start and early flight tomorrow. Cannot wait to see the kiddos!

And granny messaged to say that Maple did a wee on the toilet this morning! She has grown up over this last week.

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