
By Teasel

Wet, Wet, Wet

Damp morning (which developed into a very wet day) and BB still hasn’t found his waterproof jacket. He had to go to school in his winter coat. On Monday he had no school shoes, having left them at a friend’s house on Friday (he had no idea where they were!). Not that he was bothered as he got to wear his trainers to school – result! They say things come in threes. I wonder what he will lose next (and I am not even superstitious!)

Short day at work – but full of meetings. Got very wet picking BB up from school. Then we got really soaked (right through) when returning from a friend’s house.

I am involved in running a “pop-up” café to raise funds for school tomorrow, so have been making cakes and preparing sandwich fillings and doing a number of other things this evening. Almost blipped my 50 chocolate crispy cakes – but it wasn’t a good shot! My lemon drizzle cake is still in the oven. I need to go and work out the float and find all the bits I need to take with me in the morning.

Last Wednesday I blipped a drookit poppy – here’s another. My first ladybird poppy of the year.

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