A thousand new paths

By acc

Frozen pond

Another UK blip about the weather! Our pond has had some ice forming in it for over a week now. There is a small waterfall section at the top left of the picture which has meant that it hasn't frozen over (because of the moving water) but it is now looking close to freezing totally.
So, a lovely day in a lovely warm house drinking cups of tea and reading Miss Marple. Lovely. I am reading Nemesis at the moment which is my favourite of the BBC Joan Hickson adaptations. On reading the book I can see how much Nemesis was changed by the screenwriter but I think they did a good job, it is better. And I really don't see why Agatha Christie had Marina Gregg married to Arthur Badcock in 'The Mirror Crack'd'. That was just too convenient and unbelievable! But you can't really fault her genius. I have ordered the Marple short stories collection from the book depository. Hopefully it will arrive before I finish the third anthology.
I think I have an ear infection. I was dizzy all day yesterday and my right ear seems to be a little swollen inside today. It's not painful thought - yet!
Sorry, rambling! I am also in a good mood because I managed to find some people's email addresses on the web.

You're only given a little spark of madness You musn't lose it. Robin Williams

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