
Today has been rainy and dull!
My friend Mrs M and I had planned to go for a walk round Caldecotte Lake in Milton Keynes but the heavens opened as we dropped the children off at school and we decided it would be far more sensible to go back to her house for a cup of tea instead.
Her house was a perfect mix of tidiness and homeliness. I was very inspired chatting to her about how I can be more organised and stop the stress I feel at living in perpetual chaos.
So I rushed home and sorted out some boxes, did a couple of loads of washing and got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the kitchen floor with bleach.
And I tackled the basket full of miscellaneous paperwork, artwork, workbooks, magazines, flower presses, Happy Meal toys, purses, and countless other random items!
It's not finished yet but we now piles for filing, piles for me to deal with, piles for Mr K to deal with and an overflowing recycling bin!
Funny how if you leave it long enough it can go straight into the recycling!!
My organisational efforts were cut short by having to go and get the Little Misses and hotfoot it over to Banbury for gymnastics. For once Miss E didn't have a meltdown at the news that Miss L had to come with us. Yay!
They enjoyed their Happy Meals.
I enjoyed my cup of tea.
Not as much as I enjoyed my pea, spinach and asparagus risotto when I got home!

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