Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Good times

I wasn't feeling well today. I ended up accidentally eating orange zest last night and being very ill but a good day was despite that. Our new Christmas present rug arrived today. I couldn't get high enough above it to get a straight shot so I've had to crop it a little.

In the evening my flatmate friend whom I lived with for many years came round to visit our new flat and we put the world to rights over a nice cup of tea (and a few glasses of wine and a G&T). Was lovely to catch up with her as I've not really seen her since before Christmas.

The rest of the day has been filled with preparing a study timetable for between now and October. Will I stick to it, well, we'll see but at least it might keep me on track in preparation for my deferred exam in April and will allow me to plan better to job hunt/work around studying.

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