Pulpit Rock, Loch Lomond

Part of the road from Tarbet to Crianlarich runs alongside Loch Lomond, a 'scenic route ' used by cars, coaches, lorries, motorhome and the like. It's BUSY. However much of the route is narrow with twists, turns and protruding rock.

The above shot shows a road widening project with rock on one side and water on the other, it must be a fascinating project from an engineering point of view. For a long time we avoided the route but since driving the Motor Home it's cheaper to use the small ferry from Mull and trundle along here. We have to breathe in when meeting a wide vehicle and have lost a mirror or two when that didn't work.The ideal situation is to follow a wide vehicle which paves the way for on coming traffic.

Large is better

From the internet:
Pulpit Rock has formed a notorious bottleneck on the A82 between Tarbet and Ardlui as the carriageway narrows to only 7.2 yards wide, the work will see 546 yards of new road constructed and a viaduct built running parallel to the shore supported by piers of up to 18ft in height.

A section of the existing road will be widened by cutting into rock on the shore side to allow vehicles to pass more easily. When finished the traffic lights will be removed and two lanes of traffic will operate.

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