I'm not old....I'm retro!

Happy Blipday to me!

Today is my 2nd anniversary of starting on this wonderful path that is Blipfoto.

Last year I messed up as I thought my actual birthday was my blipday, not taking into account the 365 days. I've learned from that this time!

It's become part of my daily life; I've not missed a day so far (though there have been some late night blips!)

It is hard sometimes finding inspiration but I always manage something no matter how lame it may be. (Like today's which is a screenshot of my first ever blip)

I love seeing what other people are up to on here; it's like a social club.
I've had the privilege of meeting some of you; the rest of you are just friends I haven't met yet.

So here's to all of you who share my life (both on here and the viewers on Facebook & Twitter) and your own with me every day....thank you :-)

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