Underneath the Arches

Many of the arches along the sea front are all brightly coloured like this one, and are individual little shops, but during the week I'm often down there looking for a blip before they open. It was grey this morning and started to rain just as I got off the bus and I love the colours and the symmetry of this one, so thought it made a nice bright blip on an otherwise dull day.

I met my friend Barbara for lunch - I've not seen her in a while so it was nice to catch up, and we've arranged a night out for when I get back from holiday.

Tonight I'm supposed to be going to Zumba, but I'm tired and I also need to do get the house ready for our friends Karen & Andy who arrive on Friday, so I'm going to give it a miss. Alan is outside cutting the grass as it's forecasting heavy rain tomorrow, and I'll get on with my jobs before I cook the dinner. We're only having pasta tonight so it's nice and quick. Then I've got a few things I need to organise for our holiday next week, it can't come quick enough!

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