Another Day

By BlackTulip

The Swan

Where does compressed air come from? We can't see it and we can't catch it in our hands. I can catch it in my mouth, but how can I compress it?

I was woken at 8 a.m. by a lorry delivering and laying tarmac at No.6, a couple of doors away and it was raining gently. It only took them an hour and a half to complete the job and it looked really good.

The people who own the house are out at work so rarely have visitors during the day, but since it was laid, a couple have called at the house and parked their car in front of the new triple garage leaving tyre marks. Then the temporary, and very lazy, postman drove right up to their front door, sweeping round the corner and then reversing out. So their new drive doesn't look pristine any more and they haven't seen it yet.

Thank you for your lovely comments, stars and heart yesterday. Today it's the turn of its big brother.

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