It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Alfred The Aphid......


Meet Alfred! Isn't he just cute?

Well it turned out to be a rather good macro morning considering it started raining early.
I let Diesel out for his ....well you dog owners know what I mean and by the time he was out and in again a slug I nick named Storman Norman came hurtling over the step and into the conservatory!

Well Hello I thought..... your going to be my subject this morning. So I had about 30 odd mins taking his portrait ....after waiting for him to get active!

Then went outside and I was out there about an hour I got lost in garden weed bugs!!
Wood Lice and Spiders and Aphids and all sorts.

I ended up with all 3 extension tubes on and manual focusing as the aphids were in dark areas and I was trying to focus in near darkness and the camera said no way I'm not focusing in that!

So basically voila you have this Aphid.

Hope you like taken one handed as the Aphid was on my left hand.
However for my troubles this morning something??? has bitten me on the finger? I dont know what but that must be my payment for modelling services!.............. BLOOD lol

By the time I got back in the house my camera hand and arm were really aching. The D800 and the three extension tubes plus the ringflash weigh bloomin heavy. ;-)

My sensor is filthy again so another clean is due....

Draco The Macro Dragon xx

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